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""" 向百度提交sitemap的脚本
visit: https://knktc.com
@author:knktc @contact:me@knktc.com @create:2022-02-12 22:49 """
import time import argparse from urllib import request from urllib.parse import urljoin import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def chunker(seq, size): """ iterate list by chunk """ return (seq[pos:pos + size] for pos in range(0, len(seq), size))
class BaiduSubmitter: def __init__(self, site: str, token: str, sitemap: str): self.submit_url = self.gen_submit_url(site, token) self.sitemap_url = self.gen_sitemap_url(site, sitemap)
@staticmethod def gen_submit_url(site: str, token: str) -> str: """ generate url to submit to """ return f'http://data.zz.baidu.com/urls?site={site}&token={token}'
@staticmethod def gen_sitemap_url(site: str, sitemap: str) -> str: """ generate url path to get sitemap """ return urljoin(site, sitemap)
@staticmethod def get_links_from_sitemap(sitemap_url) -> list: """ download sitemap, parse and get urls """ with request.urlopen(sitemap_url) as resp: data = resp.read()
root = ET.fromstring(data) return [_.text for _ in root.findall('./{http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9}url/{http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9}loc')]
@staticmethod def submit(submit_url: str, links: list): """ submit to baidu """ data = '\n'.join(links).encode('utf8') req = request.Request(submit_url, data=data) return request.urlopen(req).read().decode()
def run(self, chunk_size=20, sleep_time=0.1): """ submit process """ links = self.get_links_from_sitemap(self.sitemap_url) print(f'Get {len(links)} links from sitemap: [{self.sitemap_url}]')
for chunk in chunker(links, chunk_size): resp = self.submit(self.submit_url, chunk) print(resp) if sleep_time: time.sleep(sleep_time)
def get_args(): """ get cli args """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Submit sitemap to Baidu') parser.add_argument('--site', '-s', type=str, dest='site', required=True, help='your site, eg: https://knktc.com') parser.add_argument('--token', '-t', type=str, dest='token', required=True, help='baidu ziyuan token, you may find your token in https://ziyuan.baidu.com/linksubmit') parser.add_argument('--sitemap', '-p', type=str, dest='sitemap', default='sitemap.xml', help='url path to get sitemap.xml file, default: sitemap.xml') parser.add_argument('--chunk', '-c', type=int, dest='chunk_size', default=100, help='how many urls should be submitted each time')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def main(): """ main process
""" args = get_args() site = args.site token = args.token sitemap_path = args.sitemap chunk_size = args.chunk_size
submitter = BaiduSubmitter(site, token, sitemap_path) submitter.run(chunk_size=chunk_size)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()